Children's Writer, Book Reviewer, Teacher, Artist

'There's a Dog in My Brain' by Caroline Green is a riotous body-swap caper, energetically illustrated by Rikin Parekh. entertaining and laugh-out-loud fun, this barking mad story is perfect for the winter blues.
Danny makes a wish to stay home, rather than go to a wedding with his parents. Trouble is, the wish comes true... Danny becomes trapped in his pet dog, Dudley, while Dudley is stuck in Danny's body off to enjoy a wedding. How on earth will Danny survive at home with the ruthless dogsitter, Mrs Grout? And will Dudley cause utter chaos as a human-behaving-as-a-dog at a wedding...?
'There's a Dog in My Brain' does everything you want it to. It's fast-paced, short, and packed full of hilarious set pieces that will leave you howling with laughter. It's impossible not to want to read in one big gulp because you just know with every chapter there is going to be more chaos and comedy to chew over. It's ridiculous good fun and cheered me up massively! Rikin Parekh's drawings also brilliantly compliment the text. A riot perfect for young readers! Woof!
Thank you to Walker Books for my copy to review.