Children's Writer, Book Reviewer, Teacher, Artist

When everyone's a vicious beast, it's hard to spot the monsters...
I'm thrilled to be hosting today's blog tour! 'Bite Risk' is a fang-dropping, claw-biting teen mystery-horror with enough twists and shocks to make your fur prickle. A new series by S.J. Wills, it's 'Stranger Things' meets 'Teen Wolf' meets 'Black Mirror' - riveting and roaringly good fun. Click for a Q&A with S.J.Wills too!
Sel Archer lives in a normal town with normal residents, except for one night a month . . . When the full moon comes out, almost all of the adults turn into werewolves, and it's up to the young people to protect themselves from danger. But, as this quiet life begins to unravel, and the Turned start to escape, can Sel and his friends uncover exactly who – or what – is watching their every move, before it's too late?
For children who have read the 'Sticky Pine' series by Dashe Roberts or 'Crater Lake' by Jennifer Killick, this is a perfect step-up into the early teen readership. From the off, Sel's chatty, paranoid voice immediately compels and pulls the reader into the strange, dark setting of Tremorglade, where adults Turn into Rippers and children roam the streets. But not all is as it seems. S.J. Wills brilliantly builds the mystery, laying multiple clues and red herrings, ramping up the tension, until the finale shocks and bends your mind in the most surprising ways. This is as much about troublesome tech, surveillance and conspiracies as it is about werewolves. Imagine 'Black Mirror' at its most twisty and weird with a gang of teenagers striving for the truth reminiscent of 'Stranger Things'. There is plenty of set-up here for the series to come with the possibility of exploring a wider, uncertain world really tantalising.
Simon & Schuster are doing a great job of bridging the gap from Middle Grade to Young Adult, and I'm sure 'Bite Risk' is going to be a stand-out blockbuster title this year.