Children's Writer, Book Reviewer, Teacher, Artist

Out on the 14th September, 'Kevin the Vampire: A Most Mysterious Monster' by Matt Brown is a fangtastically fun new chapter book that will make younger readers laugh and love all the creatures on parade. With quirky illustrations by Flavia Sorrentino, this is an engaging tail of monsters and mayhem for children aged 7+.
When Kevin and his vampire family get stuck in a strange town, they accidentally wake up something OLD and VERY HUNGRY. It's up to Kevin to save everyone - or else!
What makes 'Kevin the Vampire' a stand-out is its large cast of monsters, beasts and misfits that form part of a travelling carnival. Flavia Sorrentino's wonderfully eccentric illustrations (some brilliant full page ones) perfectly compliment the frenetic and engaging writing. Imagine Beast Quest with more jokes and ridiculousness! After each chapter, there are one page fact files about each character, which are amusing and interlace the story with intrigue. One of my favourites was Mystic Vic, who is not a very good fortune teller - at one point she's unavailable because of unforeseen circumstances! But, what's clever, is that there is a mysterious monster whose presence looms over proceedings - who or what is it? Matt Brown revels in word-play witchcraft and manic momentum of plot, which adults will enjoy too when reading with their kids.
This is a huge amount of fun that will be great for children and big children alike who love the Halloween hype!
Thanks to Nosy Crow for sending me the proof copy and the fabulous finished version!